Titel presentatie
Adding Value By Adding Layers: 3D-printing Value Chain Opportunities

Toelichting presentatie
The Additive Manufacturing market is growing quickly, yet rather disorderly. What does the ecosystem actually look like, and what is going on? Where are the market opportunities, where are the potential winners and losers? Will Additive manufacturing itself be disrupted by new technological evolutions? An introduction to a new technology, part of the Industry 4.0.


Kris Binon
Algemeen directeur - Flam3D

Kris Binon graduated as a Master in Nautical Sciences and continued, while working, studies on international and intercultural management, as well as Disaster Studies. His professional career has been diverse so far: disaster management consultancy, sales and marketing in the technical textile industry, representative for the Red Cross in Nepal and developing SME activities in Africa. Currently he is working in less exotic Flanders, on the nevertheless equally interesting topic of 3D printing, as director of the Flemish cluster for additive manufacturing, Flam3D.

3D-printing ontwikkelt zich nog razendsnel – nieuwe technologieën komen bijna wekelijks op de markt, terwijl snelheden toenemen en prijzen drastisch verminderen. Maar dat wil ook zeggen dat niet alle aspecten van de technologie al helemaal bekend of onder controle zijn. Oppervlaktetechnologie is zo’n facet waar de 3D-print sector nog veel te leren heeft, en dat biedt uiteraard ook opportuniteiten voor bedrijven en onderzoeksinstellingen actief in oppervlaktetechnologie.